Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,
for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and dignity.
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,
who desires all men to be saved and to come to a full true knowledge of the truth.
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ
There is often a mentality in reading Scripture that means we read “religiously” i.e. we just see things as a collection of unrelated verses; we see neither theme nor cause and effect. This passage is a classic example. The proof that most Christians have no clue what these verses mean is all around us. The truth is, this passage is one of the most powerful passages in the whole Bible!
Paul says “FIRST OF ALL.” This is vital. It means what it says. It means this is your primary task! Your primary task is to use all kinds of prayer – supplications, prayers, intercessions, giving of thanks – for ALL MEN. This doesn’t mean everybody you know or all your Facebook buddies. Prayer for all men means prayer in accordance with the Abrahamic Covenant – that God would bless every nation and family on earth. It is prayer cover for the whole planet, ultimately. IT IS PRAYING FOR THE PURPOSE OF GOD THAT GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL. Paul’s vision was “all Israel saved” (Romans 11:26). You could say it is prayer for revival.
Well most Christians are OK with that; prayer for revival is a great idea. So – with so many praying for revival, why isn’t it happening? I mean to the extent it should. The answer is many Christians neglect verse 2! You are supposed to pray for kings and for those who occupy high positions of authority. If you don’t, you are big-time missing the point. You see, verse 2 says that the result of such prayer is a culture of peace, tranquillity, godliness and dignity. The word “dignity” means honesty and probity. This means living in a nation free from crime, violence, corruption and depravity! Could you use some of that?
Then we read in verse 3 that such praying is good and acceptable in the sight of God. So it’s very simple: if you want to please God, pray for kings and people in authority. This creates an environment which is peaceful and godly. In other words, an atmosphere ready for revival! Verse 3 goes on to say that God desires all men to be saved and to come into full true knowledge of the truth. This means revelation knowledge. How plain do we need it? The key to revival is to pray for our national leaders! This is very biblical. Revivals in the Old Testament were led by kings of Judah – men like Josiah and Hezekiah.
This is the Key Of David in action. As we pray fervently for our monarch and other leaders, God responds by pouring out His spirit. We in the United Kingdom are blessed because we actually have a King/Queen to pray for. We are superabundantly blessed because our royal throne is the Throne of David in the earth. All men being saved and walking in revelation knowledge sure sounds like revival to me! And this is the reward for praying the Key Of David – praying for our royal throne and national leaders.
Verse 5 takes it further; it speaks of Christ being the only Mediator. This means we will live in a land free from idols and multi-faith mindsets. In other words, a Christian nation! God wants what we want – it’s just that we are not doing it HIS way. Simply praying for God to move is only part of the key, brothers and sisters.
Now I know some won’t accept this. Some won’t even see it. It is only the Church of Philadelphia that has the Key Of David revelation. Many will choose to stay in Sardis because it has a good name and great track record, despite it being dead. Some will try to prove me wrong and redouble their efforts to pray down revival by ignoring verse 2. At least they’ll be praying, I guess. But you can’t argue with God. Please remember that Paul was related to British royalty and that the church he wrote to in his Epistle to the Romans was the church that met in the Palatium Britannicum. Timothy was of British royal descent so both these men knew the importance of praying for kings and the importance of royalty itself in God’s strategic plan.
I hope you can see that hostility or ambivalence toward royalty is directly against the very heart of God and is, in itself, counter-productive to God moving. The solution is simple: repent and pray for our royal house and throne. Or be a carcass in the wilderness.
NB. This is written primarily to people in the British Isles. If you live in a country with no monarch, you can, of course, pray for ours! Certainly you can pray for your own national leaders and believe God to move in power.
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